Sonic.exe/Round 2 ALTERNATE ENDING

Derek: (chuckling rather shakingly) Whatever…it doesn’t matter anyway, ‘cause I’m going to stop you. Once and for all.

Goldman: Oh are you now? With what I presume?
Derek: (pulls out something from his coat) With THIS! (several gasps and murmurs are heard) Cole told me that the only way X can enter our world to collect more souls is with this! Well NO MORE!!
(A loud snapping noise is heard, silence is heard)
(Goldman starts laughing)
Goldman: So Cole told you that, huh? Ha! A smart boy, but even geniuses tend to get their information wrong.
Derek: (Chuckles deeply) Well, how's that?
Goldman: Easy. (high heels again as Goldman walks across the room) It’s true that X cannot enter our world unless someone places that disk into a computing system. But I’m curious, Mr. Green….
(the sound of Goldman pulling out something from her pocket)
Goldman: Whatever made you both think that THAT disk in particular was the original?
Derek: Ah! Well, what made YOU think THAT was the real disc! (Pulls out disc)
Goldman: Ahahhaa, I suspected you'd pull that. While you weren't looking, I switched the discs, you destroyed the real one, but I made a copy of the fake one and the real one! (Throws "fake" disc)
Derek: Ahahahahhahahaha, I know you'd do that, that's why when you were tying your shoe I switched the disc with the real disc so you just threw the real disc onto the ground.
Goldman: While I was tying my shoe I switched the discs so I did throw the fake one!
Derek: Ah, except I made when you looked away for a sec and switched it with the real one!
Goldman: What about the real, real, one?
Derek: PATRIXX ate it.
(Deep moans and gurgles are heard, Goldman shouts and yells as if to call for help. Derek says not a word. But yells with joy. The moans stop and everything grows quiet. A deep laugh rises from Derek as the tape comes to a halt)